Safety Products for your Honda Talon or Pioneer
May 14th 2020
Before you load up your trailer to hit the nearest trails on your Talon or Pioneer, take a moment and think about some upgrade options that might improve your overall experience. And no, I’m not talking about a lift kit- though that is certainly a great upgrade option.
Ask yourself this: how long has it been since you last updated your safety features? Take a few minutes to do a walk-around of your unit. Are the seatbelts looking worn and thin? Have you replaced your fire extinguisher in a while?
It’s great to think about making those fun upgrades that will have you flying down the trails, but you should first prioritize having up-to-date features that are compliant with safety regulations that will keep you and your riders safe.
Whether you’re in the market to replace some old safety equipment or implement new products altogether, let’s take a look at a few of the safety products available from Everything Honda Offroad.
Fire Extinguisher
No matter the precautions you take, every unit has fire hazards that are sometimes unavoidable. It’s important that you have a fire extinguisher on-hand. We understand that, after you’ve had your unit for a few years, double-checking that your safety products are up-to-date can easily become an oversight. However, having a fresh extinguisher will help you be prepared in the off-chance an emergency comes to pass, and you will be glad you had the proper equipment on-hand.
If you are in need of a replacement extinguisher, there are several options available from Everything Honda Offroad for your consideration.

Working hard is important, but working safe is even better. Working with tie-downs on your UTV can make your working conditions safer and easier to navigate than ever. The Honda Pioneer/Talon Speedwrap, Ultimate UTV Kit Back by PRP comes with 1.5” tie-downs built with a sturdy handle and a comfort grip meant to protect you and your rig while hauling even the largest of loads. The tie-downs will properly secure your goods within the bed of the truck, ensuring that even the largest of loads will stay put until you are ready to unload.
The Ultimate UTV Kit includes several essential tie-downs for your UTV and also includes the Pockit-Tow ½” recovery strap, additional protective sleeves, and a storage bag. The added convenience and enhanced protection for you and your workload are sure to make this a worthwhile investment.

Entry Assist Handles
Hopping up and into your unit will never be easier with the help of entry-assist handles. The Honda Pioneer 700/1000 Black Entry Assist Handles by Greene Mountain Outdoors attach to all vehicles with up to 4” roll bars to assist in entry and exit of your UTV. This product minimizes the risk of slipping and injuring yourself when entering or exiting. The handle is almost like an extra hand and can be used by anyone looking for an extra boost up into the vehicle or while disembarking.

As the weather continues to warm up and quarantine restrictions are slowly lifted, we are just as excited as you are to hit the trails. However, we want to encourage everyone not to throw caution to the wind the moment everything opens back up again; instead, continue abiding by safety regulations while out on the trails. Double checking your safety equipment and being sure to keep things up-to-date for safety compliance is crucial for all riders. Simply check your safety equipment on a regular basis and be sure to keep up with any maintenance before you head out on your ride.
For a longer list of safety products available for your Honda Pioneer or Talon, head over to Everything Honda Offroad to get the full spread of products at your disposal. Stock up on your new safety items and get those installed before hitting the road. We’ll see you out there- don’t forget to buckle up!